MDM Institute Salary Survey - 2H2010

MDM & Data Governance Professional Salary Survey

Please provide the following demographic information. It will only be used to make statistical comparisons between different groups of respondents; it will *not* be used to profile individual respondents.

LengthofEmployment. How long have you worked for this company?

LengthinPosition. How long have you been working in your present position?

PartorFullTime. Are you a part-time or full-time employee?

Department. Which department in this company do you work in?

Which of the following best describes your **TOTAL** individual income as an IT professional before taxes last year? (use US$1 = €1 & US$2 = £1)

DuplicateHeading1. Which of the following best describes your **BASE** individual income as an IT professional before taxes last year? (use US$1 = €1 & US$2 = £1)

DuplicateHeading2. Which of the following best describes your **BONUS** income (stock options at fully vested value, performance bonuses etc.) before taxes last year? (use US$1 = €1 & US$2 = £1)

What is your gender?

How old are you?

Which of the following best represents the highest level of education that you have completed?

JobTitleNow. Which of the following best describes your JOB TITLE *THIS* YEAR?

JobTitlePrior. Which of the following best describes your JOB TITLE *PRIOR* TO CURRENT POSITION?

How satisfied are you with the pay that you receive?

How does your company compare to similar large businesses in terms of pay?
Much better Much worse

Do you still want to be working at this company five years from now?

What would make you want to be working here FIVE YEARS FROM NOW? What would need to be different?

PrimaryBusiness. Which of the following best describes your company's PRIMARY BUSINESS?

CompanySize. What is your company's ANNUAL REVENUE / TURNOVER (use US$1 = €1 & US$2 = £1)

Contact Information

This section is optional. Please fill out this section only if you would like to receive the overall "MDM Professional Salary Scorecard" report (publish date ~ Fall 2010).

ContactInformation. (** required)